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暨南大学 Matthias Thürer 教授学术报告通知

编辑:刘彬 发布时间:2018-11-19 17:14 点击:

报告题目: Simple Control for Complex Job Shops: Workload Control, COBACABANA and Industry 4.0

报 告 人:Matthias Thürer 暨南大学)

主 持 人:张映锋 教授

时 间:20181124日 星期六 10:30-12:30

地 点:600全讯白菜官方网站 友谊校区 航空楼400全讯白菜第三会议室(航空楼B412


During the last decades the major task for managers was to produce more quantity, cheaper. Currently we observe a shift in the competitive environments: customer demand less quantity – but highly customized – at a reasonable price. It follows, that the future business success of many firms will to a large extend depend on how well they are able to adjust their manufacturing system to this changing competitive environment.

In general, only few production planning and control systems have been developed that are suitable for shops which produce highly customized products at short notice. One is the Workload Control concept, which has been shown to significantly improve the performance of complex make-to-order job shops both through simulation and, on occasions, in practice. The objective of our presentation is twofold:

  • Present Workload Control;

  • Present its card-based equivalent COBACABANA (Control of Balance by Card Based Navigation); and,

  • Discuss the link between card-based control and concepts as Industry 4.0


Matthias is a Distinguished Professor in Management Science and Engineering at Jinan University, Zhuhai (P.R. China). He maintains a broad research network, regularly visiting Universities such as Lancaster University (UK), the University of Clemson (US), Michigan State University (US) and the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Simple control for complex shops is one of Matthias’ main research interests. He has published widely on production control systems – in journals such as the International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Production Planning & Control and Production & Operations Management – and is a leading expert on Workload Control, COBACABANA and Lean Work Design. He is also an author of the Shingo Research Award winning book Card-based Control Systems for a Lean Work Design: The Fundamentals of Kanban, ConWIP, POLCA and COBACABANA published with Productivity Press. Apart from Operations Management, Matthias is interested in social and philosophical issues including system theory, cybernetics, causality and the philosophy of science.